
Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal


The effect of donor pretreatment on perfused cadaver kidney allografts was evaluated in 40 recipients at Henry Ford Hospital over a two-year period. Ofthe 40,23 received kidneys from donors pretreated with 40 mg/K each of cyclophosphamide and methylprednisolone during the first year of the study and up to 70 mg/K during the second year. Our results indicated that donor pretreatment for five to eight hours did not consistently improve survival rates in pretreated perfused cadaver kidneys following transplantation. The use of cyclophosphamide for donor pretreatment does not prevent the use of continuous perfusion to preserve human kidneys. Dosages up to 70 mg/K may be used without an apparent increase in acute tubular necrosis or significant early loss of renal function.



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