Slipping rib syndrome: case report of an iatrogenic result following video-assisted thoracic surgery and chest tube placement
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Patel N, John JK, Pakeerappa P, Aiyer R, and Zador LN. Slipping rib syndrome: case report of an iatrogenic result following video-assisted thoracic surgery and chest tube placement. Pain Manag 2021.
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Pain Manag
The aim of this case report is to shed light on slipping rib syndrome (SRS), a painful and overlooked condition. A 62-year old man reported intermittent, self-resolving sharp rib pain that began after a video-assisted thoracic surgery and chest tube placement 4 years prior to presentation. The patient's pain was associated with a rigid protrusion in the right upper quadrant, and home use of acetaminophen provided no relief. After physical examination, multiple imaging and lab tests, the patient was diagnosed with SRS and was referred to physical therapy and thoracic surgery for further evaluation. SRS is an under-recognized cause of upper abdominal and lower thoracic pain that should be considered if a patient's history includes previous trauma or abdominal surgery.
PubMed ID
ePub ahead of print