"Diagnosing Disorders of Hypopigmentation and Depigmentation in Patient" by Marissa Ceresnie, Sarah Gonzalez et al.

Diagnosing Disorders of Hypopigmentation and Depigmentation in Patients with Skin of Color

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Dermatol Clin


Skin hypopigmentation and depigmentation disorders are a top concern for patients with skin of color seeking care from a dermatologist. The visual contrast between involved and uninvolved skin in these disorders makes them particularly burdensome for patients with skin of color. These disorders may have a wide differential of diagnosis, as patients with skin of color may present differently or more frequently than White patients for certain conditions. Clues from a comprehensive history and physical examination with standard lighting and a Wood’s light are essential for clinching the diagnosis, although a biopsy may be warranted in special cases.


M.S. Ceresnie is a subinvestigator for Avita Medical, Incyte Corporation, Clinuvel Pharmaceuticals, and The Immune Tolerance Network. I.H. Hamzavi helped develop the vitiligo area scoring index but does not have a proprietary interest in the score and has served as an advisory board member for AbbVie; a consultant for Incyte Corporation, Pfizer, and UCB; a principal investigator for AbbVie, Bayer, Clinuvel Pharmaceuticals, Estée Lauder, Ferndale Laboratories, Galderma Laboratories LP, GE Healthcare, Incyte Corporation, Janssen, Janssen Biotech, Johnson & Johnson, Lenicura, LEO Pharma, Pfizer, and Unigen; a subinvestigator for Amgen, Bristol Myers Squibb, Foamix Pharmaceuticals, and Janssen; past-president of the Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation; and co-chair of the Global Vitiligo Foundation. The authors have no other relevant disclosures.

PubMed ID

Not assigned.


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