"Use of Multiple Correspondence Analysis to Explore Associations Betwee" by Khaled Ezzedine, Christina Bergqvist et al.

Use of Multiple Correspondence Analysis to Explore Associations Between Caregivers and Sun Protective Habits During Summer Vacations

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Clinical and experimental dermatology


BACKGROUND: Childhood exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) plays an important role in the development of keratinocyte carcinomas and melanomas. Therefore, sun-protective measures ought to be implemented during early childhood. Young children are largely dependent upon adult care providers' in achieving proper sun protection.

OBJECTIVES: To develop effective photoprotection in children, it is necessary to understand caregivers' attitudes and knowledge about UVR exposure. This study aimed to explore the variables associated with sun protective behavior in parents and grandparents during summer vacations.

METHODS: Multinational, cross-sectional study was conducted using a web-based online survey on a representative sample of parents and grandparents of children aged 12 or under, who cared for their children/grandchildren for at least 2 weeks during the summer of 2021, in five countries (France, Germany, Spain, Italy and the United States). Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) was used to explore in an unbiased way the possible relationships among all the variables and to identify specific profiles.

RESULTS: A total of 6,190 adult participants responded to the questionnaire: 5,104 parents (average age 42.01 years (y), 54,3% women) and 1,086 grandparents (average age 64,21y, 55,5% women).Grandparents adopted more cautious behaviors than parents. "Parents" fell in closer proximity to the "unprotected sun exposure habits", and "sunburn reported in youngest child". "Grandparents" fell in proximity to "having exposed the grandchild to the sun between 11am and 5pm", "not using an umbrella" and "not using sunglasses".

CONCLUSIONS: While grandparents appear to adopt more cautious behaviors than parents, many gaps in proper sun protection behavior were observed in both groups of guardians.

PubMed ID



ePub ahead of print
