"Faculty and Resident Perception of Emergency Department Feedback" by Mohammad A. Siddiqui and Sudhir Baliga

Faculty and Resident Perception of Emergency Department Feedback

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publication Title

West J Emerg Med


Background: One of the core components of resident development is feedback of clinical performance. Prior studies have evaluated faculty and resident satisfaction with feedback in the emergency department (ED). However, there are no recent studies that evaluate how feedback is conceptualized and what topics residents and faculty find most useful when giving or receiving feedback. Such information would provide an understanding of the current state of this essential educational opportunity and help guide a feedback improvement plan.

Objectives: The purpose of our study is to ascertain the perception of feedback delivered from faculty physicians to residents during and after an ED shift.

Methods: We performed an observational study comparing perception of feedback between ED faculty and residents through an online survey. Specifc aims include comparing perception of feedback as it is performed currently between faculty and residents as well as how each group believes feedback should be performed to be the most effective and useful.

Results: Twenty-eight faculty members and twenty-seven residents completed the survey. Responses were compared using Chi-squared tests and Fisher's Exact tests. Faculty and residents differed signifcantly on multiple factors. Notably, 82.2% of faculty believed they provided feedback on most shifts versus 37% of residents believed this (p=0.001). 71.4% of faculty respondents believe they provide feedback both during and after a shift while 22.2% of residents agree with this statement (p=0.006). Also, 85.7% of faculty believe both residents and faculty should initiate feedback, while only 48.2% of residents agree with this (p=0.003). Other factors that differed signifcantly between the two groups include when feedback is and should be given, and what feedback is and should be focused on.

Conclusions: Feedback is an essential component in resident development, however faculty and residents differ significantly on their perception of the current state of feedback as well as what effective and useful feedback means. By informing of faculty and residents regarding this gap in the perception of feedback, we hope to develop a method of improving feedback in our program.



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