Descriptive reports of interesting or unusual cases.

A Slow Growing Verrucous Plaque on the Scalp

A Slow Growing Verrucous Plaque on the Scalp

When values are unknown: Navigating complex medical decisions with professional guardians

When values are unknown: Navigating complex medical decisions with professional guardians

Rare Case of Adult Onset Pompe’s Disease

Rare Case of Adult Onset Pompe’s Disease

Neuroblastoma Masquerading as Pheochromocytoma

Neuroblastoma Masquerading as Pheochromocytoma

Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia: A Rare Cause of Granulomatous Hypercalcemia

Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia: A Rare Cause of Granulomatous Hypercalcemia

Falsely Elevated Testosterone Levels: Role of LC-MS/MS

Falsely Elevated Testosterone Levels: Role of LC-MS/MS

Not Your Ordinary Clavicle Pain

Not Your Ordinary Clavicle Pain

A Rare Case of Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome

A Rare Case of Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome

Rewarming Severe Hypothermia Using Esophageal Temperature Management Device

Rewarming Severe Hypothermia Using Esophageal Temperature Management Device

Congenital Supravalvular Pulmonic Stenosis, Maybe or Maybe Not

Congenital Supravalvular Pulmonic Stenosis, Maybe or Maybe Not

Radiation Induced Bullous Pemphigoid: When Radiation Dermatitis Is Not The Answer

Radiation Induced Bullous Pemphigoid: When Radiation Dermatitis Is Not The Answer

A Pruritic Eruption Following Gastric Bypass Surgery

A Pruritic Eruption Following Gastric Bypass Surgery