"NRG GI008: Colon adjuvant chemotherapy based on evaluation of residual" by Christopher H. Lieu, Yan Lin et al.

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Publication Title

J Clin Oncol


Background: Currently, there are no biomarkers validated prospectively in randomized studies for resected colon cancer (CC) to determine need for adjuvant chemotherapy (AC). However, circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) represents a highly specific and sensitive approach (especially with serial monitoring) for identifying minimal/molecular residual disease (MRD) post-surgery in CC patients (pts), and may outperform traditional clinical and pathological features in prognosticating risk for recurrence. CC pts who do not have detectable ctDNA (ctDNA-) are at a much lower risk of recurrence and may be spared the toxicities associated with AC. Furthermore, for CC pts with detectable ctDNA (ctDNA+) who are at a very high risk of recurrence, the optimal AC regimen has not been established. We hypothesize that for pts whose CC has been resected, ctDNA status may be used to risk-stratify for making decisions about AC.

Methods: In this prospective phase II/III trial, up to 1,912 pts with resected stage III A, B (all pts) and stage II, IIIC (ctDNA+ only) CC will be enrolled. Based on the post-operative ctDNA status using personalized and tumor-informed assay (Signatera™, bespoke assay), those who are ctDNA- (Cohort A) will be randomized to immediate AC with fluoropyrimidine (FP) + oxaliplatin (Ox) for 3-6 mos per established guidelines vs. serial ctDNA monitoring. Patients who are ctDNA+ post-operatively or with serial monitoring (Cohort B) will be randomized to FP+Ox vs. more intensive AC with addition of irinotecan (I) for 6 mos. The primary endpoints for Cohort A are time to ctDNA+ status (phase II) and disease-free survival (DFS) (phase III) in the immediate vs. delayed AC arms. The primary endpoint for Cohort B is DFS in the FP+Ox vs FP+Ox+I arms for both phase II and phase III portions of the trial. Secondary endpoints include prevalence of detectable ctDNA post-operatively, time-to-event outcomes (overall survival and time to recurrence) by ctDNA status, and the assessment of compliance to adjuvant therapy. Biospecimens including archival tumor tissue, as well as post-operative plus serial matched/normal blood samples, will be collected for exploratory correlative research. Active enrollment across the NCTN started in June, 2022. Support: U10-CA-180868, -180822; UG1CA-189867; Natera, Inc. Clinical trial information: NCT05174169.







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