"Studies on Uveitis Part II: Hypotheses with case reports" by Philip C. Hessburg

Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal


A number of patients with and without uveitis are used to show that this study of aqueous microbiology suggests the following hypotheses: 1. Routine techniques currently used in most microbiology laboratories overlook classical and variant bacteria which might be isolated from clinical specimens with improved microbiological techniques. 2. Bacterial forms may be present in other ocular tissue when not present in the aqueous. 3. Polymicrobial infections probably occur rather frequently, especially in chronic or subacute inflammatory states. 4. Alterations in various host factors may subject some persons to a greater incidence of inflammatory episodes including uveitis. 5. Antibiotics used in a regimen similar to that advocated to reduce recurrences of chronic Staphylococcal or Streptococcal disease may ameliorate the pattern of uveitis in some patients, especially if such regimens take into account the cell wall defective forms of these organisms. 6. The eye in some uveitic situations may be as resistant to microbial eradication by chemotherapeutic or biologic mechanisms as is the kidney in glomerulonephritis or the bone in osteomyelitis. 7. Sarcoid and its attendant uveitis may be related to a variant Mycobacterium species.



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