Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal | Henry Ford Health

Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal

The Henry Ford Hospital Medical Bulletin began publication in 1953, and was published quarterly by Henry Ford Hospital and the Edsel B. Ford Institute for Medical Research. It was meant as a venue for recording and distributing the professional activities of Henry Ford Hospital staff, residents, and alumni, as well as materials related to academic and scientific meetings and symposia hosted by Henry Ford Hospital. It was intended to be a broad forum for all areas of interest at Henry Ford Hospital, including clinical, research, technical, administrative, and patient care delivery. Papers covered a wide range of medical topics: review articles, research studies, case reports, and philosophical discussions, as well as abstracts of staff publications in other journals, staff biographies, and memorials. In 1967, the bulletin's name changed to the Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal. The journal ceased publication in 1992. For reuse requests, please contact the Sladen Library reference desk at sladen@hfhs.org.

Current Issue: Volume 40, Number 3 (1992)



Sublocalization of the Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 Gene
Catharina Larsson, Gunther Weber, and Marie Janson


Molecular Genetic Mapping of the Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 Locus
Joanna T. Pang, Mark A. Pook, James H. Eubanks, Carol Jones, Veronica van Heyningen, Glen A. Evans, and Rajesh V. Thakker


The Importance of Screening for the MEN 1 Syndrome: Diagnostic Results and Clinical Management
C. J. M. Lips, H. P. F. Koppeschaar, M. J. H. Berends, J. M. Jansen-Schillhorn van Veen, A. Struyvenberg, and Th. J. M. V. Van Vroonhoven


Practical Guidelines for DNA-Based Testing in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1
Catharina Larsson, Magnus Nordenskjold, Britt Skogseid, and Kjell Oberg


PRAD1 (Cyclin D1): A Parathyroid Neoplasia Gene on 11q13
Andrew Arnold, Toru Motokura, Theodora Bloom, Carol Rosenberg, Allen Bale, Henry Kronenberg, Joan Ruderman, Milton Brown, and Hyung Goo Kim


Localization of the Gene for MEN 2A
Jay B. Lichter, Michael Difilippantonio, Jingshi Wu, Diane Miller, David C. Ward, Paul J. Goodfellow, and Kenneth K. Kidd


A Preliminary Analysis of Consortium Data for Markers Tightly Linked to Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2A
J. B. Lichter, S. M. Hackleman, B. A. J. Ponder, D. Easton, S. A. Narod, G. M. Lenoir, R. F. Gagel, N. E. Simpson, E. Gardner, P. J. Goodfellow, S. Takai, A. J. Pakstis, and K. K. Kidd


Isolation of YAC Clones From the Pericentromeric Region of Chromosome 10 and Development of New Genetic Markers Linked to the Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2A Gene
Terry C. Lairmore, James R. Howe, Shenshen Dou, Rosalie Veile, Jennifer A. Korte-Sarfaty, Samuel A. Wells Jr., and Helen Donis-Keller


Expression of the ret Proto-oncogene in Human Medullary Thyroid Carcinomas and Pheochromocytomas of MEN 2A
Akihiro Miya, Masayuki Yamamoto, Hideki Morimoto, Norifumi Tanaka, Esei Shin, Katsu Karakawa, Kumao Toyoshima, Yukihito Ishizaka, Takesada Mori, and Shin-Ichiro Takai


Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma: Australian Experience with Genetic Testing
Janet L. Ward, Valentine J. Hyland, David S. Andrew, Debbie J. Marsh, and Bruce G. Robinson


Screening for Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2A with DNA-Polymorphism Analysis
Estelle M.-F. Lamothe, Steven A. Narod, Shari Miller, Paul J. Goodfellow, David E. C. Cole, Dawna Gilchrist, Zdenka Pausova, David Goltzman, and Geoffrey N. Hendy


High-Sensitivity Serum Calcitonin Assays Applied to Screening for Thyroid C-Cell Disease in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2A
Michael M. Kaplan, Glenn M. Stall, Timothy Cummings, Andrew MacAulay, Philippe Motté, Hubert J. Wolfe, Seymour Reichlin, and Arman J. Tashjian Jr.


Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2B: Eighteen-Year Follow-up of a Four-Generation Family
Glen W. Sizemore, J. Aiden Carney, Hossein Gharib, and Charles C. Capen


Characterization of the Clinical Features of Five Families with Hereditary Primary Cutaneous Lichen Amyloidosis and Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2
Marion F. Robinson, Eric J. Furst, Vincenzo Nunziata, Maria Luisa Brandi, Jorge P. Ferrer, Maria J. G. Martins Bugalho, Guiseppe di Giovanni, Richard J. H. Smith, Donald T. Donovan, Bobby R. Alford, James F. Hejtmancik, Vittorio Colantuoni, Loredana Quadro, Edward Limbert, Irene Halperin, Enric Vilardell, and Robert F. Gagel


Unusual Features of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia
Andrea Frilling, Heinz Becker, and Hans-Dietrich Roeher


Long-term Follow-up in Four Large MEN 2 Families in The Netherlands
C. J. M. Lips, M. J. H. Berends, J. Brouwers-Smalbraak, R. A. Geerdink, W. H. L. Hackeng, J. M. Jansen-Schillhorn van Veen, A. Struyvenberg, and Th. J. M. V. van Vroonhoven


Mineral Metabolic Effects of Thyroidectomy and Long-term Outcomes in a Family with MEN 2A
Henry G. Bone III, Leonard J. Deftos, William H. Snyder, and Charles Y. C. Pak


Statistical Analysis of Histomorphological Findings in Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma: Distinction Between the Different Familial Forms of the Disease
B. Franc, M. Rosenberg-Bourgin, B. Auvert, B. Caillou, N. Dutrieux-Berger, J. Floquet, M. Houcke-Lecomte, E. Justrabo, F. Labat-Moleur, M. F. Le Bodic, A. Pages, M. Patey, G. Viennet, F. Vilde, and J. P. Saint-Andre


Microsurgical Lymph Node Dissection for Metastatic Asymptomatic C-Cell Carcinoma
Heinz J. Buhr, Friedrich Kallinowski, Friedhelm Raue, and Christian Herfarth


Pheochromocytoma: A Frequent Indicator for MEN 2
Claude Calmettes, Myriam Rosenberg-Gourgin, Jean Caron, and Nicole Feingold


Evaluation of Children with Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma
Alfonso Libroia, Fabrizio Muratori, Uberta Verga, Gianleone Di Sacco, Anna Grattieri, and Dario Gelli


Oncogene and Growth Factor Expression in MEN 2 and Related Tumors
Jeffrey F. Moley, Göran K. Wallin, Michele B. Brother, Michael Kim, Samuel A. Wells Jr., and Garrett M. Brodeur


Somatostatin Acts Via a Pertussis Toxin-Sensitive Mechanism on Calcitonin Secretion in C-Cells
Angela Zink, Hans Scherubl, Friedhelm Raue, and Reinhard Ziegler


Biologic and Cytogenetic Characterization of Three Human Medullary Thyroid Carcinomas in Culture
R. Pfragner, G. Wirnsberger, A. Behmel, B. Niederle, F. Längle, R. Roka, A. Mandl, P. Pürstner, J. Auner, and F. Tatzber


Extracellular Ca2+ Sensing in C-Cells and Parathyroid Cells
Hans Scherubl, Maria Luisa Brandi, and Jurgen Hescheler


Patterns of Neoplasia in c-Mos Transgenic Mice and Their Relevance to Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia
Nicholas Schulz, Friedrich Propst, Michael M. Rosenberg, R. Ilona Linnoila, Richard S. Paules, Douglas Schulte, and George F. Vande Woude

Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal Cover