"Generation of floxed Spag6l mice and disruption of the gene by crossin" by Yonghong Man, Wei Li et al.

Generation of floxed Spag6l mice and disruption of the gene by crossing to a Hprt-Cre line

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Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000)


Mouse sperm-associated antigen 6 like (SPAG6L) is an axoneme central apparatus protein, essential for the normal function of the ependymal cell and lung cilia, and sperm flagella. Accumulated evidence has disclosed multiple biological functions of SPAG6L, including ciliary/flagellar biogenesis and polarization, neurogenesis, and neuronal migration. Conventional Spag6l knockout mice died of hydrocephalus, which impedes further investigation of the function of the gene in vivo. To overcome the limitation of the short lifespan of conventional knockout mice, we developed a conditional allele by inserting two loxP sites in the genome flanking exon 3 of the Spag6l gene. By crossing the floxed Spag6l mice to a Hrpt-Cre line which expresses Cre recombinase ubiquitously in vivo, mutant mice that are missing SPAG6L globally were obtained. Homozygous mutant Spag6l mice showed normal appearance within the first week after birth, but reduced body size was observed after 1 week, and all developed hydrocephalus and died within 4 weeks of age. The phenotype mirrored that of the conventional Spag6l knockout mice. The newly established floxed Spag6l model provides a powerful tool to further investigate the role of the Spag6l gene in individual cell types and tissues.

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ePub ahead of print

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