"Clinical management of seizures in patients with meningiomas: Efficacy" by Rodeania Peart, Kaitlyn Melnick et al.

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Neurooncol Adv


Meningiomas are the most common primary intracranial tumor. They are slow growing and often incidentally found tumors that arise from the arachnoid villi. As they grow, they have a greater likelihood of becoming symptomatic with seizures being one of the most clinically significant symptoms. Seizures are more likely to present as a symptom of larger meningiomas and meningiomas that compress cortical areas particularly those in non-skull base locations. These seizures are often managed medically, utilizing the same anti-seizure medications that are used to treat other causes of epilepsy. We discuss common anti-seizure medications used including valproate, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, phenytoin, lacosamide, lamotrigine, levetiracetam and topiramate and their common adverse effects. The goal of pharmacotherapy for seizure control is to maximize seizure control while minimizing the adverse effects of the medication. The decision to provide medical management is dependent on individual seizure history and plans for surgical treatment. Patients who did not require seizure prophylaxis before surgery are commonly prescribed seizure prophylaxis postoperatively. Symptomatic meningiomas not controlled by medical management alone are commonly evaluated for surgical resection. The efficacy of surgical resection in providing seizure freedom is dependent on several features of the tumor including tumor size, the extent of the peritumoral edema, the number of tumors, sinus infiltration and the degree of resection.

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