"International consensus statement on obstructive sleep apnea" by Jolie L. Chang, Andrew N. Goldberg et al.

International consensus statement on obstructive sleep apnea


Jolie L. Chang
Andrew N. Goldberg
Jeremiah A. Alt
Lisa Ashbrook
Dennis Auckley
Indu Ayappa
Hira Bakhtiar
José E. Barrera
Bethany L. Bartley
Martha E. Billings
Maurits S. Boon
Pien Bosschieter
Itzhak Braverman
Kara Brodie
Cristina Cabrera-Muffly
Ray Caesar
Michel B. Cahali
Yi Cai
Michelle Cao
Robson Capasso
Sean M. Caples
Lana M. Chahine
Corissa P. Chang
Katherine W. Chang
Nilika Chaudhary
Crystal S. J Cheong
Susmita Chowdhuri
Peter A. Cistulli
David Claman
Jacob Collen
Kevin Coughlin
Jennifer Creamer
Eric M. Davis
Kara L. Dupuy-McCauley
Megan L. Durr
Mohan Dutt
Mazen El Ali
Nabil M. Elkassabany
Lawrence J. Epstein
Justin A. Fiala
Neil Freedman
Kirat Gill
M. Boyd Gillespie
Lea Golisch
Nalaka Gooneratne
Daniel J. Gottlieb
Katherine K. Green
Arushi Gulati
Indira Gurubhagavatula
Nathan Hayward
Paul T. Hoff
Oliver M. G Hoffmann
Steven J. Holfinger
Jennifer Hsia
Colin Huntley
Kevin C. Huoh
Phillip Huyett
Sanjana Inala
Stacey Ishman
Tarun K. Jella
Aesha M. Jobanputra
Andrew P. Johnson
Mithri R. Junna
Jenna T. Kado
Thomas M. Kaffenberger
Vishesh K. Kapur
Eric J. Kezirian
Meena Khan
Douglas B. Kirsch
Alan Kominsky
Meir Kryger
Andrew D. Krystal
Clete A. Kushida
Thomasz J. Kuzniar
Derek J. Lam
Christopher J. Lettieri
Diane C. Lim
Hsin-Ching Lin
Stanley Y. C Liu
Stuart G. MacKay
Ulysses J. Magalang
Atul Malhotra
Joachim T. Maurer
Anna M. May
Ron B. Mitchell
Babek Mokhlesi
Anna E. Mullins
Eman M. Nada
Sreelatha Naik
Brandon Nokes
Michael D. Olson
Allan I. Pack
Edward B. Pang
Kenny P. Pang
Susheel P. Patil
Eli Van de Perck
Jay F. Piccirillo
Grace W. Pien
Amanda J. Piper
Andrea M. Plawecki, Henry Ford HealthFollow
Mark Quigg
Madeline J. L Ravesloot
Susan Redline
Brian W. Rotenberg
Armand Ryden
Kathleen F. Sarmiento
Firas Sbeih
Amy E. Schell
Christopher N. Schmickl
Helena M. Schotland
Richard J. Schwab
Jiyeon Seo
Neomi Shah
Anita Valanju Shelgikar
Isaac Shochat
Ryan J. Soose
Toby O. Steele
Erika Stephens
Carl Stepnowsky
Kingman P. Strohl
Kate Sutherland
Maria V. Suurna
Erica Thaler
Sritika Thapa
Olivier M. Vanderveken
Nico de Vries
Edward M. Weaver
Ian D. Weir
Lisa F. Wolfe
B. Tucker Woodson
Christine H. J Won
Josie Xu
Pratyusha Yalamanchi
Kathleen Yaremchuk, Henry Ford HealthFollow
Yerem Yeghiazarians
Jason L. Yu
Michelle Zeidler
Ilene M. Rosen

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Publication Date


Publication Title

Int Forum Allergy Rhinol


BACKGROUND: Evaluation and interpretation of the literature on obstructive sleep apnea is needed to consolidate and summarize key factors important for clinical management of the OSA adult patient. Toward this goal, an international collaborative of multidisciplinary experts in sleep apnea evaluation and treatment have produced the International Consensus statement on Obstructive Sleep Apnea (ICS:OSA).

METHODS: Using previously defined methodology, focal topics in OSA were assigned as literature review (LR), evidence-based review (EBR), or evidence-based review with recommendations (EBR-R) formats. Each topic incorporated the available and relevant evidence which was summarized and graded on study quality. Each topic and section underwent iterative review and the ICS:OSA was created and reviewed by all authors for consensus.

RESULTS: The ICS:OSA addresses OSA syndrome definitions, pathophysiology, epidemiology, risk factors for disease, screening methods, diagnostic testing types, multiple treatment modalities, and effects of OSA and treatment on the multiple comorbidities. Specific focus on outcomes with positive airway pressure (PAP) and surgical treatments were evaluated.

CONCLUSION: This review of the literature in OSA consolidates the available knowledge and identifies the limitations of the current evidence. This effort aims to highlight the basis of OSA evidence-based practice and identify future research needs. Knowledge gaps and opportunities for improvement include improving the metrics of OSA disease, determining the optimal OSA screening paradigms, developing strategies for PAP adherence and longitudinal care, enhancing selection of PAP alternatives and surgery, understanding health risk outcomes, and translating evidence into individualized approaches to therapy.

PubMed ID



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