Submissions from 2025
Comparative Postoperative Complications of Acellular Dermal Matrix and Mesh Use in Prepectoral and Subpectoral One-Stage Direct to Implant Reconstruction: A Retrospective Cohort Study, Michael Diffley, Amy Tang, Kinan Sawar, Tala Al-Saghir, Madeline R. Gonte, Jamie Hall, Donna G. Tepper, Vigen Darian, Maristella S. Evangelista, and Dunya M. Atisha
Factors associated with breast lymphedema after adjuvant radiation therapy in women undergoing breast conservation therapy, Summer S. Yono, Cara E. Cannella, Madeline Gonte, Sanjay Rama, Simeng Zhu, Jenna Luker, Maristella S. Evangelista, Jessica Bensenhaver, Eleanor M. Walker, and Dunya M. Atisha
Submissions from 2024
Marijuana's Impact On Implant-based Breast Reconstruction: A Retrospective Cohort Study, Tala Al-Saghir, Jamie Hall, Michael Diffley, Amy Tang, Abigail Teitelbaum, Donna G. Tepper, Vigen Darian, Maristella S. Evangelista, and Dunya M. Atisha
Effects of Marijuana Use in Patients Undergoing Abdominal Free Flap Breast Reconstruction, Tala Al-Saghir, Alexander Vraa, Kinan Sawar, Gordon Jacobsen, Maristella S. Evangelista, and Dunya M. Atisha
The Educational Benefits of Plastic Surgery Rotations for Off-Service Residents, Michael Diffley, Jamie Hall, Donna G Tepper, and Aamir Siddiqui
Surgical Management of Tumoral Calcinosis of the Hand: A Case Report, Madeleine R. Gonte, Collin Brooks, Kara Klomparens, Yitzchok Greenberg, and Peter Janevski
Submissions from 2023
Coffee administration to promote return of bowel function after small bowel resection: A randomized, controlled trial, Conor Holland, Lynn Shaffer, Elliot Dobkin, and Jamie Hall
Bridge plating in the setting of radiocarpal instability: Does distal fixation to the second or third metacarpal matter? A cadaveric study, Eloy Tabeayo, James M. Saucedo, Ramesh C. Srinivasan, Amita R. Shah, Efstathios Karamanos, Jason Rockwood, and E. Carlos Rodriguez-Merchan
Submissions from 2022
Standard Fixed Enoxaparin Dosing for Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis Leads to Low Peak Anti-Factor Xa Levels in Both Head and Neck and Breast Free Flap Patients, Shoshana W. Ambani, Fuat Baris Bengur, Lee J. Varelas, Vu T. Nguyen, Carolyn De La Cruz, Tahsin Oguz Acarturk, Ernest K. Manders, Mark W. Kubik, Shaum Sridharan, Michael L. Gimbel, and Mario G. Solari
The Predictive Validity of Functional Outcome Measures With Discharge Destination for Hospitalized Medical Patients, Adele Myszenski, Yueren Zhou, Fuad-Tahsin Abbas, and Aamir Siddiqui
Submissions from 2021
Repair of Bronchial Anastomosis Following Lung Transplantation, Themistokles Chamogeorgakis, Kenneth Moquin, Michael Simoff, and Hassan Nemeh
Subglossopalatal Membrane With Associated Cleft Palate, Cardiovascular, and Neurologic Anomalies, Ricardo Engel, Yitzchok Greenberg, and Arlene Rozzelle
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy for Improved Nipple Survival in Large Volume Reduction Mammaplasty, Ricardo Engel, Yitzchok Greenberg, and Aamir Siddiqui
Fat grafting: A novel technique for difficult ostomy management, Tommy Ivanics, Katherine Zimnicki, Hassan Ahmad, Ihab Saab, Vivian Liu, Donna G. Tepper, and Aamir Siddiqui
Long-Term Weight Loss with Body Contour Surgery After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, Jenna Luker, Jahan Tajran, Lauren Marquette, Donna Tepper, Arthur M. Carlin, Vigen Darian, and Aamir Siddiqui
Submissions from 2020
Development and Validation of the BREAST-Q Breast-Conserving Therapy Module, Anne F. Klassen, Laura Dominici, Sarah Fuzesi, Stefan J. Cano, Dunya M. Atisha, Tracie Locklear, Madelijn L. Gregorowitsch, Elena Tsangaris, Monica Morrow, Tari King, and Andrea L. Pusic
Collaboration Improves PrEP Care for Providers and Patients, Austin Morrison, Indira Brar, David E. Willens, and Emily Thomas
The Evolution of Breast Satisfaction and Well-Being after Breast Cancer: A Propensity-Matched Comparison to the Norm, Lily R. Mundy, Laura H. Rosenberger, Christel N. Rushing, Dunya M. Atisha, Andrea L. Pusic, Scott T. Hollenbeck, Terry Hyslop, and E S. Hwang
Evidence-Based Performance Measures for Autologous Breast Reconstruction: An American Society of Plastic Surgeons Quality Performance Measure Set, Aamir Siddiqui, Cristiane Ueno, Jayant Agarwal, Edward I. Chang, Minas Chrysopoulo, Caryn Davidson, Dana Khuthaila, Michele A. Manahan, Evan Matros, Lisa A. Newman, Michael Newman, Michelle Sowden, Oren Tessler, Eric Whitacre, and Bernard T. Lee
Head and Neck Microsurgeon Practice Patterns and Perceptions Regarding Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis, Kaushik P. Venkatesh, Shoshana W. Ambani, Aris RL Arakelians, Jonas T. Johnson, and Mario G. Solari
Factors Affecting Healing in the Treatment of Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Andrew Worden, Daniel J. Yoho, Herman P. Houin, Kenneth Moquin, Iltefat Hamzavi, Ihab Saab, and Aamir Siddiqui
Submissions from 2018
Assessment of Risk Factors Associated With Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries and Impact on Health Care Utilization and Cost Outcomes in US Hospitals, Jill Dreyfus, Julie Gayle, Paul Trueman, Gary Delhougne, and Aamir Siddiqui
Nerve Transfer Surgery for Penetrating Upper Extremity Injuries, Efstathios Karamanos, Ilya Rakitin, Sophie Dream, and Aamir Siddiqui
Submissions from 2017
Posterior Iliac Crest Bone Graft: How Much Is Enough?, Thaddeus Boucree, Dylan McLaughlin, Silvy Akrawe, Vigen Darian, and Aamir Siddiqui
Use of Epidural Analgesia as an Adjunct in Elective Abdominal Wall Reconstruction: A Review of 4983 Cases, Efstathios Karamanos, Sophie Dream, Anthony Falvo, Nathan Schmoekel, and Aamir Siddiqui
Development and Validation of a Scoring System to Predict Surgical Site Infection After Ventral Hernia Repair: A Michigan Surgical Quality Collaborative Study, Efstathios Karamanos, Pridvi Kandagatla, Jenna Watson, Nathan Schmoekel, and Aamir Siddiqui
Submissions from 2016
Benefits of Early Active Mobility in the Medical Intensive Care Unit: A Pilot Study, Ogochukwu Azuh, Harriet Gammon, Charlotte Burmeister, Donald Frega, David R. Nerenz, Bruno DiGiovine, and Aamir Siddiqui
Self-turning for pressure injury prevention, Harriet M. Gammon, Cherie B. Shelton, Christine M. Siegert, Creista Dawson, Emily Sexton, Charlotte Burmeister, Gwen Gnam, and Aamir Siddiqui
Mechanical Stimulation Increases Knee Meniscus Gene RNA-level Expression in Adipose-derived Stromal Cells, Elizabeth M. Meier, Bin Wu, Aamir Siddiqui, Donna G. Tepper, Michael T. Longaker, and Mai T. Lam
Plastic Surgery and Suicide: A Clinical Guide for Plastic Surgeons, Vikram Reddy and M Justin Coffey
Preoperative external tissue expansion for complex cranial reconstructions, Kevin A. Reinard, Hesham M. Zakaria, Ahmad Qatanani, Ian Lee, Jack Rock, and Herman P. Houin
Submissions from 2015
Friction-induced skin injuries-are they pressure ulcers? An updated NPUAP white paper, David Brienza, Steven Antokal, Laura Herbe, Susan Logan, Jeanine Maguire, Jennifer Van Ranst, and Aamir Siddiqui
An analysis of 72% chromated glycerin used for sclerotherapy: sterility, potency, and cost after extended shelf life, Amir M. Ghaznavi, Mio Nakamura, and Donna Tepper
Tobacco Use and Body Mass Index as Predictors of Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Breast Reduction Mammoplasty, Efstathios Karamanos, Benjamin Wei, Aamir Siddiqui, and Ilan Rubinfeld
Submissions from 2014
Continuous bedside pressure mapping and rates of hospital-associated pressure ulcers in a medical intensive care unit, Robert Behrendt, Amir M. Ghaznavi, Meredith Mahan, Susan Craft, and Aamir Siddiqui