Scholarly journal articles authored by members of the Department of Clinical Quality and Safety at Henry Ford Health.


Submissions from 2024


Outcomes in solid organ transplant recipients receiving organs from a donor with Fusarium solani species complex meningitis, Isabel S. Griffin, Dallas J. Smith, Pallavi Annambhotla, Jeremy A. W. Gold, Luis Ostrosky-Zeichner, Carol A. Kauffman, Lalitha Gade, Anastasia Litvintseva, Daniel Friedman, Angie G. Nishio Lucar, Tarina C. Parpia, Joshua Lieberman, Janet Bujan, Julie Corkrean, Mukul K. Divatia, Kevin Grimes, Jiejian Lin, Constance Mobley, Mary R. Schwartz, Bashar Hannawi, Anne Malilay, Anne O'Boye, Jeffrey Lysne, Mrinalini Venkata Subramani, Hayley Heckmann, Venice Servellita, Charles Chiu, and Sridhar V. Basavaraju


Rethinking Shared Decision-Making: Delivery of Care Options in a Telehealth World, Julia Terhune, Stacey Pylman, and Jessica Clarey

Submissions from 2022


Evaluating the impact of severe sepsis 3-hour bundle compliance on 28-day in-hospital mortality: A propensity adjusted, nested case-control study, Benjamin A. August, Kristin M. Griebe, John J. Stine, Christian D. Hauser, Todd Hunsaker, Mathew C. Jones, Carolyn R. Martz, Michael A. Peters, Long To, Richard Belanger, Suzanne Schlacht, Jennifer Swiderek, Susan L. Davis, Mark E. Mlynarek, and Zachary R. Smith


Recommendations for change in infection prevention programs and practice, Robert Garcia, Sue Barnes, Roy Boukidjian, Linda Kaye Goss, Maureen Spencer, Edward J. Septimus, Marc-Oliver Wright, Shannon Munro, Sara M. Reese, Mohamad G. Fakih, Charles E. Edmiston, and Martin Levesque


The long-term sustainability of a respiratory culture nudge, Supreet Kaur, Mary Hutton, Rachel M. Kenney, Allison Weinmann, Linoj Samuel, Robert J. Tibbetts, Susan L. Davis, and Corey Medler

Submissions from 2021


Urinary catheter alleviation navigator protocol (UCANP): Overview of protocol and review of initial experience, Marcus L. Jamil, Hallie Wurst, Paula K. Robinson, Ilan Rubinfeld, Geehan Suleyman, Edward Pollak, and Ali A. Dabaja


Association between Implementation of a Universal Face Mask Policy for Healthcare Workers in a Health Care System & SARS-CoV-2 positivity testing rate in Healthcare Workers, Dee Dee Wang, William O'Neill, Marcus J. Zervos, John E. McKinnon, David Allard, George J. Alangaden, Lonni R. Schultz, Laila M. Poisson, Betty S. Chu, Steven N. Kalkanis, and Geehan Suleyman

Submissions from 2020


Echocardiography in Pandemic: Front-Line Perspective, Expanding Role of Ultrasound, and Ethics of Resource Allocation, Daniel H. Drake, Michele De Bonis, Michele Covella, Eustachio Agricola, Alberto Zangrillo, Karen G. Zimmerman, and Frederick C. Cobey

Submissions from 2019


Logic model framework for considering the inputs, processes and outcomes of a healthcare organisation-research partnership, Amir A. Tabriz, Susan A. Flocke, Deirdre Shires, Karen E. Dyer, Michelle Schreiber, and Jennifer Elston-Lafata


Tales from the Auditors: What We Learned from Endoscope Auditing, Rebecca E. Washburn, Eman Chami, Abigail Keskimaki, and Patricia Starr

Submissions from 2018


Assessment of test methods for evaluating effectiveness of cleaning flexible endoscopes, Rebecca E. Washburn and Jennifer J. Pietsch