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Problem: Less than 1 in 5 hospitals with monitor antibiotic use at hospital discharge, leading to antibiotic overuse. Antimicrobial Stewardship Program Transition of Care (ASP TOC) is a standard of care pharmacist-driven intervention: pharmacists pend discharge antimicrobial orders and write progress notes for patients with uncomplicated infections being discharged on antibiotics. Identification of ASP TOC opportunities through an electronic scoring system the electronic health record (EHR) may allow for earlier and more frequent identification of pharmacist intervention. Aim: To evaluate a systematic process using an electronic variable (ASP TOC LRTI variable) in the electronic scoring system to identify patients eligible for ASP TOC interventions in patients diagnosed with lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI).

Publication Date



Henry Ford Health


Detroit, Michigan


Quality Expo, posters, poster competition

Project #25: Putting a CAP on Discharge Antimicrobial Therapy: Evaluation of a Transitions of Care Process Through an Electronic Scoring System for Patients with Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)



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