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Aim: Change referral patterns to focus patient choice on quality; Improve partnering facility relationships with system hospitals; Promote utilization of facilities that collaborate with health system on quality improvement projects, meetings, quality reports, patient care. Problem Statement: Historically patients/families have selected facilities based on location, continuation of care with providers, feedback from friends/family; CMS 2019 Final Ruling required that quality data/information be provided with the intent to guide patients to high quality facilities; Average SNF LOS Cost is $500/day and can lead to excessive Post-Acute Care spend for patients in Value Based contracts; Average readmission rates for Medicare Patient is $2800/ episode (Premier); Average cost of hospital stay is $2,681/day in Michigan, using SNF partners that can accept patients faster can reduce acute care costs. Goal: Ensure compliance with CMS 2019 Final Ruling; Educate patients/families to make choices based on quality of care they will receive; Help facilities improve quality of care and preferred measures.

Publication Date



Henry Ford Health


Detroit, Michigan


Quality Expo, posters, poster competition

Project #55: Post-Acute Network (PAN) Development can Improve Costs  and Quality of Transition of Care



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