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Problem statement: Patients were lacking application of pressure injury prevention interventions leading to HAPIs: Newer staff who had less experience with wounds and wound prevention; Auditing showed few interventions in place and lack of Q2 hour turns. Improvement Statement: Implement a multidisciplinary PIP rounding team comprised of leaders, certified wound care nurses, HAPI & PIP committee members, skin champions, and new nursing staff monthly to provide education to staff, place interventions in real time to therefore reduce patient’s risk of HAPIs. The PIP rounding team was created to provide real time audits and interventions with opportunities to educate staff and place interventions in real time. The goal was to educate staff, increase compliance with PIP interventions to a goal of 85% placed within 1 year. The PIP team includes all levels of leadership, is multidisciplinary, held once a month for 3 hours, and has shown to help educate new staff members at Wyandotte. Education is provided by WOCNs, CNSs, and skin champions.

Publication Date



Henry Ford Health


Detroit, Michigan


Quality Expo, posters, poster competition

Project #71: Creating a Pressure Injury Prevention (PIP) Rounding Team to Reduce Healthcare Acquired Pressure Injuries (HAPIs)



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