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Communication among dialysis teams can be improved through a digital, visual method of information dissemination. This allows dialysis teams to access quality metrics and expand knowledge to improve safety and implement of standards of practice. The current process includes sharing quality metrics, organizational updates, and safety reminders through email, placing postings in break rooms, and during brief team huddles. These practices can cause inconsistent communication across dialysis facilities: (a) clinical team members do not routinely access their company email as it is not part of patient care workflow, (b) posted printed copies of important information can be delayed or out of date, and (c) huddles are brief and other visual reminds of important patient care information is necessary. Implementing a new communication source should result in the improved safety and dialysis patient care, as well as consistency among all outpatient facilities. Our goal was to discover a way to improve ease of information access in a way that is: Clear, Accurate, Engage, Timely, Cost effective, and Low burden for unit-level leadership.

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Henry Ford Health


Detroit, Michigan


Quality Expo, posters, poster competition

Project #76: Enhancing Visual Communications for Dialysis Team Members



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