"The Impact of Implementing Hypofractionation Prescription Regimens and" by S. Quirk, Kundan Thind et al.

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Publication Title

Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys


Purpose/Objective(s): To determine the change in treatment resources due to the implementation of hypofractionated prescription regimen.

Materials/Methods: All patients between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2021 receiving curative intent breast radiotherapy at a tertiary cancer center were included. Plan and patient data were extracted from the patient database with the treatment planning system and direct database query. Treatment plan categorization was completed using data elements to include only curative intent. Treatment plans for seroma boost or supraclavicular irradiation were excluded to ensure this analysis did not double-count regional nodal irradiation contribution or confound boost with hypofractionation. Treatment delivery time is recorded in the database for each patient treatment delivered. Average patient treatment time per year was estimated by multiplying the average fractions each year by average time in the same year. The standard fractionation regimens (95% of patients) are 42.56 Gy in 16, 40 Gy in 16, 27 Gy in 5 (accelerated partial breast irradiation), and 26 Gy in 5 (FAST-Forward). In the analysis, implementation milestones are indicated for new prescription regimens and delivery technique changes including deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH) for left-sided patient treatments and daily verification imaging.

Results: A total of 6505 patients were included. Table 1 details the total number of patients per year, the average number of fractions treated per patient, and the average treatment time of each patient plan. The average total fractions per treatment decreased from 17.5 in 2012 to 10.9 in 2021. The average treatment delivery time increased from 12.9 minutes to 21.4 minutes.

Conclusion: In considering total treatment resources, the interplay between hypofractionation and modernization delivery techniques is complex. The impact of hypofractionation reduced the average number of fractions but total treatment resources are offset with the implementation of modern treatment delivery techniques. Hypofractionated prescription regimens reduce the time and travel commitment required of patients on an individual basis, contributing to person-centered care.





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