A Financial Analysis of Elderly Kidney Transplant Recipients

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Publication Title

Am J Transplant


Purpose: To compare and evaluate outcomes of for younger (Y) versus elderly (E) kidney transplant recipients (KTR) during the first year post-transplant. As the number of elderly KTR increases, differences between this population and younger are unknown. Methods: A single-center retrospective analysis of medical records of 318 first-time KTR from 2003-10 on mycophenolate, tacrolimus, and steroid regimen was performed. The study population was divided into two cohorts: (Y: <59 yrs; n=172; E: >65 yrs; n=146). KTR aged 60-64 were excluded to distinguish groups. Baseline characteristics, the number of readmissions post-transplant (RA), readmission lengths of stay (LOS), and the total follow-up costs of the first year post-transplant were analyzed. Reliability was tested using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test for the median comparisons between elderly and younger subjects' number of readmissions, read-mission lengths of stay, and follow-up costs during the first year post-transplant. The chi-square test was used to test significance when readmission during the first year was tested as a binary variable (yes vs no). Results: Younger and elderly KTR had similar numbers of RA and LOS; however. elderly follow-up costs were significantly more than younger subjects. [Figure Presented] Conclusions: Elderly KTR appear to present a greater economic burden on hospital systems during the first year post-transplant due to the greater costs of care; however, with similar post-transplant rates of RA and LOS, the costs incurred may be related to comorbid health conditions rather than transplant-related follow-up. A more detailed analysis of the reasons for expensive hospitalizations post-transplant may be beneficial in determining the risk-benefit of transplanting elderly patients.



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