"Does Genital Self-image Correspond with Sexual Health before and after" by Carmen Kloer, Gaines Blasdel et al.

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Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open


Patient-reported outcomes regarding sexual health are lacking or have not been validated for transgender patients following vaginoplasty. The aim of this study is to further characterize the difference in sexual health, genital self-image, and the relationship between them for patients who were pre- and postvaginoplasty.

METHODS: A community advisory board informed an anonymous online survey utilizing patient-reported outcomes. Pre- and postvaginoplasty respondents were recruited online. Survey measures included the Female Genital Self-Image Scale (FGSIS) and the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System sexual health measures. Welch approximation t tests were performed for FGSIS and Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System questions, using Bonferroni correction.

RESULTS: A total of 690 respondents prevaginoplasty (n = 525; 76%) and postvaginoplasty (n = 165; 24%) participated. The postoperative cohort, compared with the preoperative cohort, reported higher scores for orgasm (P = 0.0003), satisfaction (P = 0.001), and pleasure (P = 0.002). FGSIS total score was higher among postoperative respondents (79.4% ± 17.1%) than preoperative respondents (50.6% ± 15.1%) (P < 0.0001). Using Spearman rho, no significant correlation between FGSIS total score and any Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System subsectional measures was observed for the postoperative cohort, but a correlation (P <0.001) was observed for the preoperative cohort.

CONCLUSIONS: Individuals who are contemplating vaginoplasty have worse sexual health and genital self-image than those who underwent vaginoplasty, yet genital self-image does not correlate directly with sexual health. Sexual health is multimodal for each person.

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