"8549 Simplifying Laparoscopic Suturing for the Gynecologic Trainee: A " by D. T. Nassar, P. Piekos et al.

8549 Simplifying Laparoscopic Suturing for the Gynecologic Trainee: A Systematic Approach for Reproducible Needle Handling

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publication Title

J Minim Invasive Gynecol


Study Objective: Laparoscopic suturing and needle handling are core components of gynecologic surgical management of many benign and malignant disease processes. Adoption of a reproducible technique for laparoscopic needle loading and handling is beneficial for the gynecologic trainee.

Design: Educational demonstration of a surgical technique.

Setting: The demonstration of this method is shown in a laparoscopic simulator trainer with a vaginal cuff model.

Patients or Participants: N/A.

Interventions: This video demonstrates a 3-step approach for safe and efficient needling loading and handling in a simulation environment. 1. Grasp the suture one to two centimeters from the swaged end of the needle to serve as the fulcrum of movement. 2. Lightly grasp the body of the needle so it may act as a pendulum for the swing. 3. Maintain tension on the suture to allow for needle rotation.

Measurements and Main Results: N/A

Conclusion: Mastering laparoscopic needle handling and suturing are important fundamentals of gynecologic laparoscopic surgery. The swing technique may be used in a variety of port configurations making it adaptable and transferable across a wide setting of operations. Additionally, it uses minimal needle grasps for increased safety and efficiency. Learning this reproducible and methodical swing technique may help develop safe and efficient needle handling practices for the gynecologic trainee.





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