
Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal


The immunologic status of 25 uremic patients was studied with a battery of tests evaluating the humoral and cytological aspects of immunity. The individual's humoral immune status was evaluated as follows: quantitation of the three major serum immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA and IgM) expressed in mg/100 ml of serum and compared to established normal clinical standards (±2 SD/mean); qualitation of IgG and IgM evaluated by specific virus antibody titers and antitoxin values associated with IgG and by isoagglutinin tilers of the ABO blood groups associated with IgM. Immunoglobulin status is grouped into hyper- and hypo-immunoglobulin variations from normal and correlated with serum complement values (Beta 1C/1A and hemolytic activity). The cytological status in the evaluation consists of assaying the individual's ability to produce interferon by the Sendai-Sindbis virus system in peripheral blood leukocytes. Results of the study emphasize the need for individual evaluation of uremic patients to enable more effective immuno- depressive therapy before and after renal transplantation.



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