Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal
Volume 18, Number 2 (1970)
Immunologic Status of Uremic Patients
Gerald A. LoGrippo, C. E. Rupe, Hajime Hayashi, and Dean LeSher
Cephalexin: In Vitro and in Vivo Studies
Frank Cox Jr., Edward L. Quinn, Bienvenido G. Gatmaitan, and Nancy Peterson
Surreptitious Ingestion of Oral Anticoagulants
Thomas H. Greidanus, Ellis J. Van Slyck, and Raymond W. Monto
Double Contrast Arthrography of the Knee
Peter C. LaRowe, Robert S. Ormond, and Edwin Guise
The Hypocalcemic Effects of Actinomycin D and Mithramycin
Eduardo L. Reyes and Robert W. Talley
Surgical Treatment of Portal Hypertension: Review of Henry Ford Hospital Experience
Joseph P. Elliott Jr., Kian H. Wong, and Roger F. Smith
Hypophyseal Growth Hormone: I. Control of Secretion
M. Saeed Zafar, Raymond C. Mellinger, and Lewis B. Morrow
In Vitro Kidney Preservation Techniques
S. G. Dienst