Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal
Volume 19, Number 2 (1971)
Rubella Immunization of Adult Females Using HPV-77 DK-12 Live Attenuated Rubella Virus
Donald A. Romig, E. L. Quinn, Frank Cox, and Robert G. Brackett
Therapy of Mycosis Fungoides
Harvey G. Shapero
Gastrocolic and Duodenocolic Fistulas: An Experimental Study
Joseph L. Ponka, A. Karim Shaalan, and P. C. Pesaros
Diagnosis and Treatment of Gonorrhea
Paul A. Kvale
Death and the Inexorably Dying: A Seminar
Stuart J. Kingma
An Improved Method of Staining Paraffin-Embedded Bone Marrow Sections
Wanda Pusey and A. R. Villanueva
Observations on Uric Acid Transport in Man, the Dalmatian and the non-Dalmatian Dog
Howard Duncan and April S. Curtis
Atrial Sounds in Atrial Flutter
Oswald Bostic, Wolf F. C. Duvernoy, and Gerald M. Breneman
In Memoriam: Daniel D. Hurst, M.D. 1891-1971
E. J. Alexander