Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal
Volume 21, Number 1 (1973)
Malignant Histiocytosis of the Robb-Smith Type (Histiocytic Medullary Reticulosis)
Michael F. Macken, Ellis J. Van Slyck, and Sheik M. Saeed
Purpura Arthralgia Weakness Mixed Cryoglobulinemia Syndrome Treated with Splenectomy: A Case Report
Carl R. Haeger
The Effect of Psyllium Hydrocolloid and Cholestyramine on Hepatic Bile Lipid Composition in Man
W. T. Beher, B. M. Schuman, M. A. Block, G. J. Lin, and K. K. Casazza
A Microtechnique for the Isolation of Cell Wall Deficient Organisms from Very Small Samples
Lloyd T. Dutcheshen and Philip C. Hessburg
Concomitant Streptococcal Endocarditis and Tuberculous Pleuro-Pericardial Effusion
T. Madhavan, Evelyn J. Fisher, Frank Cox Jr., and Edward L. Quinn
Primary Peritonitis
M. Reza Jahadi and John G. Whitcomb
Pasteurella Multocida Meningitis: Report of a Case
Leo J. Bingley Jr.