Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal
Volume 23, Number 1 (1975)
Penicillin-resistant Viridans Streptococcus Endocarditis Related to the Administration of Penicillin G or Carbenicillin and Alterations in Mouth Flora
Keith Burch, Edward L. Quinn, Donald Romig, Frank Cox, Evelyn Fisher, and T. Madhavan
Isolation of Cell Wall Deficient Mycobacterium tuberculosis from a Case of Chronic Arthritis
W. D. LeBar, L. H. Mattman, and L. Ross
Fiberoptic Colonoscopic Polypectomies
Thomas A. Fox Jr., Bernard Schuman, Hubert M. Allen, and E. Escobar
Kidney Cortex Lysosomal Acid Proteinase Activity during Induction of a Protein-Losing Nephropathy with the Aminonucleoside of Puromycin
Paul D. Bartlett and Laura Katona
In Vivo Quantitation of Adipose Tissue by Differential Absorptiometry Using Penetrating Isotopic Radiation
Luther E. Preuss, Frank B. Bolin, and Claudius K. Bugenis