Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal
Volume 23, Number 4 (1975)
Symposium on Carcinoma of the Prostate — Introduction
Joseph C. Cerny
Radionuclide Bone Imaging in the Evaluation of Prostatic Cancer
Daniel S. Marks and William R. Eyler
Lymphangiography in Staging Carcinoma of the Prostate. A Comparison with Operative Findings
Joseph C. Cerny, Malcolm Weckstein, and Riad Farah
Bone Marrow Acid Phosphatase in the Evaluation of Patients with Carcinoma of the Prostate
Ronald Kabler, Riad Farah, Kenneth Greenawald, and Joseph C. Cerny
Immunologic Assessment in Patients with Prostatic Carcinoma
Richard C. Klugo
Advances in the Radiation Therapy of Carcinoma of the Prostate
Joel Elliot White
Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy and Pelvic Lymphadenectomy in Carcinoma of the Prostate
Riad N. Farah and Joseph C. Cerny
Hormonal and Chemotherapeutic Management of Disseminated Carcinoma of the Prostate
Robert W. Brownlee
Changes in Serum Testosterone after Bilateral Orchiectomy in Patients with Metastatic Carcinoma of the Prostate
Richard Senn, Riad Farah, Julius Ohorodnik, and Joseph C. Cerny
Palliative Urinary Diversion in Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate
R. C. Youngman and Joseph C. Cerny