Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal
Volume 27, Number 3 (1979) John W. Rebuck Testimonial Issue
John W. Rebuck MD, PhD
Raymond W. Monto
A Method of Studying Leukocytic Functions In Vivo
John W. Rebuck and James H. Crowley
Functions and Interrelationships of Leukocytes in Inflammation as Elucidated by the Rebuck Skin Window Technique
Sheikh M. Saeed
IgG Lymphoplasmacytic Intestinal Lymphoma: A Case Report
Heidrun Z. Rotterdam and Sheldon C. Sommers
Lymphocytes: 1979
Sudhir Gupta and Robert A. Good
Sequential Electron Micrography of Sickling
J. W. Rebuck, R. M. Sturrock, and R. W. Monto
The Role of High Molecular Weight Kininogen (Fitzgerald Factor) in the Activation of Various Plasma Proteolytic Enzyme Systems
R. Waldmann, A. G. Scicli, J. Guimaraes, G. Scicli, Oscar A. Carretero, H. Kato, Y. N. Han, and S. Iwanaga
Acute Inflammatory Response in Experimental Skin Lesions of Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis
Gilbert H. Bluhm, Honora H. McElroy, Jeanne M. Riddle, and John W. Sigler
Contributions of Electron Microscopy to the Study of Platelets
J. W. Rebuck, Jeanne M. Riddle, S. A. Johnson, R. W. Monto, and Ruth M. Sturrock
Functional and Biochemical Alterations of Platelets in Atherosclerosis and Thromboembolism
Orhan N. Ulutin
The Chediak-Higashi Syndrome: Spectrum of Giant Organelles in Peripheral Blood Cells
James G. White and C. C. Clawson