Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal
Volume 29, Number 1 (1981) Clinical Hyperthermia Today
F. K. Storm
Clinical Thermoradiotherapy
H. I. Bicher, T. S. Sandhu, and F. W. Hetzel
Local Microwave Hyperthermia in Cancer Therapy: Preliminary report
Carlos A. Perez, Walter Kopecky, Robert Baglan, D. Venkata Rao, and Richard Johnson
Clinical Hyperthermia and Irradiation: Pilot studies
John Fazekas and Ted Nerlinger
Hyperthermic Perfusion 16 Years After its First Clinical Applications
R. Cavaliere, G. Moricca, F. Di Filippo, L. Aloe, G. Monticelli, and F. S. Sartori
Local Hyperthermia and Radiation: A biologically-oriented clinical scheduling
G. Arcangeli and A. Cividalli
Glucose Metabolism in Mouse Tumor and Liver With and Without Hyperthermia
Christian Streffer, Siegelinde Hengstebeck, and Peter Tamulevicius
Hyperthermia Treatment of Experimental Tumors
J. Denekamp, S. A. Hill, and F. A. Stewart