Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal
Volume 31, Number 3 (1983)
Neuropsychological Research on the Neurosurgical Treatment of Cerebrovascular Disease
James Ausman and Mark W. Shatz
Microsurgical Techniques in Cerebral Revascularization
James I. Ausman, Fernando G. Diaz, R. A. de los Reyes, Carl Shrontz, Jeffrey Pearce, and Manuel Dujovny
Methodological Issues in Studying Treatment Effects in Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease
Mark W. Shatz
Neuropsychological Evaluation of the Results of Surgical Treatment of Cerebrovascular Disease
Melvin L. Schwartz
A Radiologic Method of Assessment of Bone and Joint Destruction in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Gilbert B. Bluhm, David W. Smith, and Walter M. Mikulashek
Synchronous Bilateral Seminomas and Teratoma
Harry J. Bonnell
Manipulation of External Tachodynamometer by the Patient: Case Report
Chang Y. Lee and Michael P. H. Lau
Posttraumatic Hernia of the Bladder
Joseph L. Ponka and Farouck N. Obeid