
Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal


The mapping of the locus for multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN 2A) to chromosome 10 using linkage is briefly reviewed including a discussion of linkage strategy and reference to some of the exclusions before the assignment. The subsequent development of the map of the centromeric region of the chromosome and the linking of what appear to be the four closest flanking markers and the centromeric alphoid sequence to the disease locus are reviewed. To date no recombination has been observed between the centromeric marker and the MEN2A locus among, at least, 26 informative meioses, 11 of which are phase known. While no obligate recombination has been observed between the markers FNRB, D10S34, and RBP3 and the MEN2A locus in males, it has been observed in females and is as much as 10% for the marker RBP3. The sex difference in recombination frequency is significant. The four polymorphic flanking markers, FNRB, D10S34, RBP3, and D10S5, along with the centromeric marker D10Z1 will prove to be useful for management of the families with the disease. It will be possible in most families to give a very high (or low) probability for "at risk" members of the families and in some cases the DNA results will be virtually diagnostic.



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