Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal
Volume 37, Number 3 (1989)
The Third International Workshop on Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2 Syndromes
Friedhelm Raue and Charles E. Jackson
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2 Syndromes: Nomenclature Recommendations from the Workshop Organizing Committee
Robert F. Gagel, Charles E. Jackson, Bruce A. J. Ponder, Friedhelm Raue, Nancy E. Simpson, and Reinhard Ziegler
Closing in on the MEN2A Locus
Nancy E. Simpson and Kenneth K. Kidd
Early Detection of Hereditary Medullary Thyroid Cancer with Polymorphic DNA Probes
Steven A. Narod, Hagay Sobol, Isabelle Schuffenecker, R. Alan B. Ezekowitz, and Gilbert M. Lenoir
Hereditary Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma: Genetic Analysis of Three Related Syndromes
Hagay Sobol, Steven A. Narod, Isabelle Schuffenecker, Chris Amos, R. Alan B. Ezekowitz, and Gilbert M. Lenoir
Allele Loss on Chromosome 10 and Point Mutation of ras Oncogenes are Infrequent in Tumors of MEN 2 A
Makoto Okazaki, Akihiro Miya, Norifumi Tanaka, Tetsuro Miki, Masayuki Yamamoto, Kazuyoshi Motomura, Akira Miyauchi, Takesada Mori, and Shin-ichiro Takai
Genetic Mechanisms of Neoplasia in MEN 2
Charles E. Jackson and Robert A. Norum
Screening for Medullary Thyroid Cancer in France: A National Effort
Claude Calmettes, A. Chaventre, Nicole Feingold, Brigitte Franc, and J. M. Guliana
The Importance of Screening for Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma in Families of Patients with MEN 2
A. Frilling, P. E. Goretzki, L. Bastian, and H. D. Roeher
Results of a Screening Program for Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2A: A Clinical Study of a Japanese Family
Takashi Shimotake, Naomi Iwai, Jun Yanagihara, Tetsuro Kobayashi, and Shin-ichiro Sakai
MEN 2A: Update on the Northern Ireland and Australian Family
Patrick J. Morrison, David R. Hadden, Colin J. Russell, and Norman C. Nevin
Screening for Pheochromocytoma in the MEN 2 Syndrome
J. Kotzerke, C. Stibane, H. Dralle, H. Wiese, and W. Burchert
Diagnosis, Management, and Pathogenetic Studies in Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Syndrome
Naguib A. Samaan, Kuo-Pao Paul Yang, Pamela Schultz, and R. C. Hickey
Postoperative Pentagastrin-Stimulated Serum Calcitonin Concentrations in Patients with Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma: Reoperations in Patients with Concentrations Bordering the Detection Limit
Hinrich Meybier, Heinrich Schmidt-Gayk, Heinz Buhr, and Friedhelm Raue
Comparison of Sporadic and Hereditary Forms of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma
M. Rosenberg-Bourgin, P. Gardet, R. de Sahb, M. Schlumberger, B. Caillou, M. Guilloud-Bataille, J. P. Travagli, N. Feingold, and C. Parmentier
Cutaneous Lichen Amyloidosis Associated with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2A
V. Nunziata, G. di Giovanni, A. M. Lettera, M. D'Armiento, and M. Mancini
Familial Cutaneous Lichen Amyloidosis in Association with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2A: A New Variant
D. T. Donovan, M. L. Levy, E. J. Furst, B. R. Alford, T. Wheeler, J. A. Tschen, and R. F. Gagel
Use of Somatostatin Analog SMS 201-995 in Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma
Alfonso Libroia, Uberta Verga, Gianleone Di Sacco, Marco Piolini, and Fabrizio Muratori
Adrenal Cortex Transplantation After Bilateral Total Adrenalectomy in the Rat
Georg F. W. Scheumann, Wolfgang F. A. Hiller, Soren Schroeder, T. Schurmeyer, Jurgen Klempnauer, and Henning Dralle
Surgical Treatment of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma in a Thirteen-Year-Old Girl with MEN 2B
Lars-Erik Tisell and Svante Jansson
Quality of Life After Bilateral Adrenalectomy in MEN 2
M. Telenius-Berg, M. A. Ponder, B. Berg, B. A. J. Ponder, and S. Werner
Living with a Hereditary Form of Cancer: Experiences and Needs of MEN 2 Patients and Their Families
Marc P. H. D. Cleiren, Wil Oskam, and Cornelis J. M. Lips
Experience in Imaging Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Using 99mTc (V) Dimercaptosuccinic Acid (DMSA)
Susan Clarke, Colin Lazarus, and Michael Maisey
Localization of Metastases from Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Using Different Methods
Rosa C. Cabezas, Luis Berna, Montserrat Estorch, Ignacio Carrio, and Angeles Garcia-Ameijeiras
Contribution of Different Scintigraphic Techniques to the Management of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma
Dirk Sandrock, Hans-Christian Blossey, Martina Steinroeder, and Dieter L. Munz
The Role of Radiopharmaceuticals MIBG and (V) DMSA in the Diagnosis of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma
Uberta Verga, Fabrizio Muratori, Gianleone Di Sacco, Franceso Banfi, and Alfonso Libroia
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Potential of New Radiopharmaceutical Agents in Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma
Luigi Troncone, Vittoria Rufini, Giovina De Rosa, and Amerigo Testa
DNA Cytophotometric Findings in Pheochromocytoma
Barbara-Christina Padberg, Esther Garbe, Eike Achilles, Henning Dralle, Max Bressel, and Soren Schroeder
A Novel Parathyroid Hormone-Related Gene Product
T. J. Martin and J. A. Danks
A Preliminary Evaluation of Calcitonin and PDN-21 as Tumor Markers for Lung Cancer
J. J. Body, J. C. Dumon, J. P. Sculier, G. Dabouis, H. Lacroix, P. Libert, M. Richez, G. Bureau, P. Mommen, N. Raymakers, M. Paesmans, and J. Klastersky
Transcriptional Regulation of the Human Calcitonin Gene: A Progress Report
Sara Peleg, Gilbert J. Cote, Ronald V. Abruzzese, and Robert F. Gagel
Modulation of Calcitonin Secretion by Modification of Calcium Channels?
Hans Scherubl, Friedhelm Raue, Michael Hoflich, and Reinhard Ziegler
Evolutionary Pathways of the Calcitonin (CALC) Genes
Cornelis J. M. Lips, Rolf A. Geerdink, Maria G. Nieuwenhuis, and Jaap van der Sluys Veer