"Project #97: Home Palliative Care Program" by Julie Kaczor, Susan Zoelling et al.



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HAP wanted to offer a program that allows members with serious illness to be home with their families, especially during end-of-life care, which increases the quality of life. HAP partnered with Aspire to offer a palliative care program that provides in-home and telehealth support and care at no cost to members. The overarching goal of the program is to improve the symptoms of the disease process while decreasing hospitalizations. Since the program began in late 2019, more than 1,000 HAP members have enrolled, with hospitalizations among this group having decreased by up to 58% compared to similar cohort at end of life. In addition, 97% of those enrolled held important Advance Planning discussions with their families and caregivers, compared to the national average of 12%. These discussions are important in providing direction on next steps in the care process and fulfilling the member's wishes.

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Project #97: Home Palliative Care Program



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