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Henry Ford Health Patient Engaged Research Center’s (PERC) mission is to translate patient voices into evidence-based care through community engagement and world-class research methods. A big part of that effort is the Patient Advisor Program which consists of over 400 patients and caregivers that volunteer their time and provide feedback to help keep healthcare and research patient-centered. Patient Advisors contribute by serving on councils, committees, and projects within the system to provide their patient/caregiver perspectives on healthcare initiatives, processes, and research efforts. PERC’s goal has always been to change the narrative from assuming what patients and caregivers want to actually asking patients and caregivers what they want, and that only happens by involving them from the start.

For the past 7 years, PERC hosts an Annual Patient Advisor Retreat that is intended to bring Patient Advisors and Henry Ford Health staff together to celebrate accomplishments as well as provide advisors with meaningful speakers that remind them why their role is so important. The retreat features Henry Ford Health senior leaders, skill building, informative speakers, networking/mingling, food, opportunities to learn about other councils and committees, and more.

This page contains citations, presentation materials, and other information available from PERC and its annual Patient Advisor Retreats. For more information on PERC, visit its page here.


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2023 Patient Advisor Retreat