Submissions from 2019
Estimated Exercise Workload is a Predictor for Emergency Department Visits Following Bariatric Surgery, Dennia Kerrigan, Arthur M. Carlin, Elizabeth Alleman, M Pejsa-Reitz, Edward L. Peterson, Jonathan K. Ehrman, and Steven J. Keteyian
Polyomavirus Genotypes in Renal Transplant Recipients in the United States, Nadeen J. Khoury, C Thongprayoon, N Leeaphorn, J Bruminhent, and W Cheungpasitporn
Epidemiology of Parvovirus B19 and Anemia Among Kidney Transplant Recipients, Nadeen J. Khoury, C Thongprayoon, N Leeaphorn, J Bruminhert, and W Cheungpasitporn
Noise pollution in the intensive care unit?, Keith Killu, S Munie, Victor Coba, Steven Welsh, Christina M. Osterhout, Pridvi Kandagatla, and Dionne J. Blyden
Risk Factors for Post-Transplant Outcomes in Living and Deceased Donor Liver Transplantation: An Analysis of UNOS Registry, Toshihiro Kitajima, Kelly Collins, Michael Rizzari, Atsushi Yoshida, and Marwan S. Abouljoud
Cost comparison of single site robotic and conventional laparoscopic cholecystectomy at a single institution, Mary Lee, Kevin K. Seeras, and John J. Lim
Perioperative Therapy in cT1bN0M0G1-3 Esophageal/Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma Treated with Esophagectomy: A National Cancer Database Analysis, Shavran Leonard-Murali, Tommy Ivanics, Xiaoxia Han, Christopher Steffes, David Kwon, and Rupen Shah
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy versus upfront resection in ampullary adenocarcinoma stratified by stage: A retrospective analysis using the national cancer database, S Leonard-Murali, R Shah, Tommy Ivanics, Xiaoxia Han, C Steffes, and D Kwon
High-risk for developing breast cancer: Differences between white and African American women, Q P. Le, S David Nathanson, and L L. Susick
VS06. Robotic-Assisted Removal of Inferior Vena Cava Filter, Judith C Lin, Amit Patel, and Craig G. Rogers
Sustained ocular venous fluid shift during spaceflight may contribute to optic disc edema, K Marshall-Goebel, B Maclas, S Laurie, S Lee, D Martin, and Scott A. Dulchavsky
Adherence to health care appointments is associated with weight loss following bariatric surgery, Kellie Martens, Bethany Pester, Leah Hecht, Shannon Clark, Aaron Hamann, Arthur M. Carlin, and Lisa R. Miller-Matero
The duffy antigen receptor for chemokines (DARC) influences levels of tumor-associated leukocytes in the breast tumor microenvironment, R Martini, B D. Jenkins, C Yates, Lisa A Newman, and M Davis
The Influence of Health Literacy and Health Numeracy on Weight Loss Outcomes Following Bariatric Surgery, Lisa R. Miller-Matero, Leah Hecht, Kellie Martens, Aaron Hamann, and Arthur M. Carlin
Statin Underutilization in Patients Listed for Liver Transplant, Kajali Mishra, Sandra Naffouj, Sunjay Modi, Carina Dagher, Sarah Gorgis, and Deepak Venkat
A rare case of nasoenteric tube perforation of posterior nasopharynx into the peritoneum, Adhnan Mohamed, S Khawja, S Munie, Jana Sacco, Keith Killu, and Dionne J. Blyden
Extreme hyponatremia as a risk factor for early mortality after liver transplantation in the model for end-stage liver disease-sodium period, H Mouzaihem, M Safwan, Lucy Chau, Marwan Abouljoud, Dilip Moonka, and Shunji Nagai
Medical management of spontaneous celiac artery dissection in the surgical intensive care unit, S Munie, Ayda Dashtaei, Steven Moore, Jennifer N. Watson, Lisa Ferranti, Julie K. Ryan, Timothy Nypaver, and Keith Killu
Intravascular volume score using bedside ultrasound, S Munie, Pridvi Kandagatla, Dionne J. Blyden, Darlene Dereczyk, and Keith Killu
Use of bedside ultrasound of internal jugular vein for assessment of intravascular volume, S Munie, Pridvi Kandagatla, Dionne J. Blyden, Darlene Dereczyk, and Keith Killu
Volume assessment with central venous saturation compared to standard measure and bedside ultrasound, S Munie, Pridvi Kandagatla, Dionne J. Blyden, Darlene Dereczyk, and Keith Killu
Share 21 Rather Than Share 15: Balancing Transplant Opportunity Without Compromising Waitlist Outcomes, Shunji Nagai, Lucy Chau, Marwan Abouljoud, Kelly Collins, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, Mohamed Safwan, and Dilip Moonka
Effects of immunosuppression regimens on occurrence of graft versus host disease in liver transplantation. an analysis of UNOS registry, Shunji Nagai, Lucy Chau, M Safwan, K Collins, Michael Rizzari, Marwan Abouljoud, Atsushi Yoshida, and Dilip Moonka
Patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis have inferior liver transplant outcomes, Shunji Nagai, Kelly Collins, Lucy C. Chau, Michael D. Rizzari, Atsushi Yoshida, Marwan S. Abouljoud, M Safwan, and Dillip Moonka
Effects of major liver allocation policy changes on waitlist outcomes in multivisceral transplantation in the United States, Shunji Nagai, Yakir Muszkat, Michael Rizzari, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, and Marwan Abouljoud
Effects of Major Liver Allocation Policy Changes on Waitlist Outcomes in Multivisceral Transplantation, Shunji Nagai, Michael D. Rizzari, Yakir Muszkat, Kelly Collins, Atsushi Yoshida, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, and Marwan Abouljoud
Fatal Graft Versus Host Disease in Liver Transplantation. an Analysis of UNOS Registry, Shunji Nagai, Atsushi Yoshida, Reena Salgia, Marwan Abouljoud, and Dilip Moonka
Urinary Podocin mRNA as Predictor of Renal Allograft Function Decline, A Naik, J Aqeel, D Cibrik, Milagros Samaniego-Picota, L Wickman, S Wang, M Chowdhury, and R Wiggins
Risk Factors for Surgical Site Infections after Laparoscopic Bariatric surgery: An Analysis of the MBSAQIP Database, Hassan Nasser, Tommy Ivanics, Shavran Leonard-Murali, Dania Shakaroun, and Jeffrey A. Genaw
Comparative analysis of robotic versus laparoscopic revisional bariatric surgery outcomes from the MBSAQIP database, Hassan Nasser, S Munie, T Kindel, J Gould, and R Higgins
Outcomes of Concussion Injuries to Running Backs and Wide Receivers in the National Football League, K R. Okoroha, Toufic R. Jildeh, Kevin A. Taylor, P Buckley, S Mehta, and Vasilios Moutzouros
Adductor Canal Block Versus Femoral Nerve Block for Pain Control After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Prospective Randomized Trial, K R. Okoroha, J Lynch, Vincent A. Lizzio, Charles C. Yu, Toufic R. Jildeh, and Vasilios Moutzouros
Comparison of Tendon Lengthening with Traditional vs. Accelerated Rehab Following Achilles Tendon Repair: A Randomized Controlled Trial, K Okoroha, Najib Ussef, E Eller, Ferras Zeni, and Vasilios Moutzouros
PC222. Engineered Vascular Grafts Using Three-Dimensional Printed Guides and the Ring Stacking Method, C Pinnock, B Patel, Ali Rteil, Loay S Kabbani, and M Lam
Does Time of Day Matter for Acute Cholecystectomy in an Acute Care Surgery Model?, Ilya Rakitin, Cletus Stanton, Michael Dix, Nathan Ziegler, Jerry Stassinopoulos, Jeffrey Johnson, and Nathan Schmoekel
Does time of day matter for acute cholecystectomy in an acute care surgery model?, Ilya Rakitin, Cletus Stanton, Michael Dix, Nathan Ziegler, Jerry Stassinopoulos, J Johnson, Nadia Obeid, and Nathan Schmoekel
The Determination of Interobserver and Intraobserver Reliability of a Magnetic Resonance Imaging Based Classification System for Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury, P N. Ramkumar, S J. Frangiamore, S M. Navarro, T S. Lynch, S G. Kaar, S Akhavan, Vasilios Moutzouros, R W. Westermann, L D. Farrow, and M S. Schickendantz
Paradoxical embolic strokes in a liver transplant patient with atrial septal defect undergoing therapeutic plasma exchange, Shannon Rodgers, Marwan S. Abouljoud, and Zaher K. Otrock
PC024. Lower Limb Malperfusion in Acute Type A Dissection, Ali Rteil, Alexander D. Shepard, Timothy Nypaver, Mitchell R. Weaver, Farah Mohammad, Hassan Nemeh, Themistokles Chamogeorgakis, and Loay S Kabbani
Lower Limb Malperfusion in Acute Type A Dissection, Ali Rteil, Alexander D. Shepard, Timothy Nypaver, Mitchell R. Weaver, Farah Mohammad, Hassan Nemeh, Themistokles Chamogeorgakis, and Loay S. Kabbani
Immediate Post-Operative Extubation Decreases Pulmonary Complications in Liver Transplant Patients, Mohamed Safwan, Christine Acho, Yoshihisa Morita, Valeria Fernandez, Dragos Galusca, Marwan Abouljoud, Atsushi Yoshida, Jaber El-Bashir, and Shunji Nagai
Favorable Waitlist Outcomes in Patients with Alcoholic Liver Disease in the MELD-Na ERA, Mohamed Safwan, Kelly Collins, Dilip Moonka, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, Michael Rizzari, Atsushi Yoshida, Marwan Abouljoud, and Shunji Nagai
Magnetic resonance imaging quantification of ophthalmic changes due to spaceflight, S H. Sater, J J. Rohr, A M. Sass, M B. Stenger, B R. Macias, D Ebert, A E. Sargsyan, K Marshall Goebel, A Hargens, Scott A. Dulchavsky, R J. Ploutz-Synder, and B A. Martin
A National Survey of Immunosuppression Strategies in Intestinal Transplantation, M Segovia, T Beduschi, J Boike, D Farmer, S Horslen, K Iyer, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, A Langnas, C Matsumoto, A Mavis, G Mazariegos, Shunji Nagai, J O'Leary, Y Patel, D Sudan, Nimisha Sulejmani, Bryant B. Summers, and T Schiano
Safety and efficacy of mTOR inhibitors following intestine and multivisceral transplantation, M C. Segovia, D Sudan, Shunji Nagai, Yakir Muszkat, A Mavis, T Schiano, and Syed-Mohammed Jafri
A Fatal Case of Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Due to Extra-Pulmonary Sarcoidosis, Dania Shakaroun, Hassan Nasser, and Daniel R. Ouellette
The Effects of Simultaneously Training Additional Surgeons in the Living Donor Robotic Assisted Kidney Transplant, Joel Stracke, Mohamed Safwan, Lauren Malinzak, and Atsushi Yoshida
Pharmacist-driven discontinuation of antipsychotics started for ICU delirium, Misa M. Stuart, Carolyn R. Martz, Katelyn Payter, Jane McDonnell, S Vinay, Jennifer Swiderek, Victor Coba, Long To, Zachary R. Smith, and Michael Peters
Perioperative Lactate Levels Are Sensitive Marker to Predict Early Allograft Dysfunction and Short-Term Graft Failure After Liver Transplant, K Takahashi, Shunji Nagai, Kelly Collins, Michael Rizzari, Mohamed Safwan, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, T Oda, Atsushi Yoshida, and Marwan Abouljoud
Robotic-Assisted Versus Open Techniques for Living Donor Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Comparison Using Propensity Score Analysis, Francis Tinney Jr., Joel Stracke, Shunji Nagai, Lauren Malinzak, Tracci McEvoy, S M. Ilias, and Atsushi Yoshida
Transfusion requirements and immunohematologic complications in orthotopic liver transplantation, A Uzuni, Shunji Nagai, Atsushi Yoshida, Marwan S. Abouljoud, and Zaher K. Otrock
Management of Anastomotic Biliary Strictures After Liver Transplant: Role of Covered Metal Stents, Andrew Watson, Khwaja F. Haq, Kamal Khorfan, Sumit Singla, Atsushi Yoshida, and Dilip Moonka
Factors Affecting Healing in Patients Participating in a Hidradenitis Suppurativa Multidisciplinary Clinic, Andrew Worden, Ihab Saab, Aamir Siddiqui, and Daniel Yoho
A Financial Analysis of Elderly Kidney Transplant Recipients, A Yaldo, I Bajjoka, Catherine Crombez, and Marwan Abouljoud
How Much Does Graft Function Cost Us? A Financial Analysis of Delayed Graft Function in Kidney Transplant Recipients, A Yaldo, I Bajjoka, Catherine Crombez, and Marwan Abouljoud
Pre-Transplant Transcriptomic Signature in Peripheral Blood Predicts Early Acute Rejection After Kidney Transplant, W Zhang, Z Yi, C Wei, K Keung, Z Sun, C Xi, C Woytovich, S Farouk, L Gallon, M Menon, C Magee, N Najafan, Milagros Samaniego-Picota, A Djamali, S Alexander, I Rosales, R Smith, P O'Connell, R Colvin, P Cravedi, and B Murphy
Submissions from 2018
Occurrence and risk factors for endothermal heat induced thrombosis after endovenous varicose vein ablation, Z Al Adas, Judith C. Lin, Mitchell R. Weaver, Nicole Kennedy, Syed Ahsan, Alexander D. Shepard, and Loay S Kabbani
Does preoperative anemia affect outcomes after lower extremity open bypass?, Z Al Adas, Mitchell R. Weaver, Timothy Nypaver, Alexander D. Shepard, Dragos Galusca, and Loay S. Kabbani
Left ventricular assist devices complicated by gastrointestinal bleeding and outcomes on transplant, Lindsey Aurora, Omar Sadiq, Hassan Nemeh, and Celeste Williams
Decreased long-term survival with antithymocyte globulin induction in elderly kidney transplant recipients, I Bajjoka, A Yaldo, Catherine Crombez, and Marwan S. Abouljoud
Ethnic disparities in elderly patients receiving kidney transplantation, I Bajjoka, A Yaldo, Catherine Crombez, and Marwan S. Abouljoud
Long-term outcomes of graft function in elderly kidney transplant recipients, I Bajjoka, A Yaldo, Catherine Crombez, and Marwan S. Abouljoud
Baseline cognitive functioning in LVAD patients and anticoagulation time in range, Kelly Bryce, Edward L. Peterson, Jennifer A. Cowger, Bin Liu, Themistokles Chamogeorgakis, and David E. Lanfear
Regional variation in the outcomes of MELD-Na based liver allocation, Lucy Chau, D Moonka, K. Collins, Michael Rizzari, Atsushi Yoshida, Marwan S. Abouljoud, and Shunji Nagai
Breast and prostate cancers harbor common somatic copy number alterations that consistently differ by race-ethnicity, Yalei Chen, Jia Li, Sudha Sadasivan, Ruicong She, Indrani Datta, Dhananjay A. Chitale, Nilesh S. Gupta, Melissa B. Davis, Craig G. Rogers, Lisa A. Newman, P L. Parris, Benjamin A. Rybicki, and Albert M. Levin
An enhanced educational program for kidney transplant candidates and their supports: Knowledge gained but room for improvement, E Clifton, Anne Eshelman, Dean Kim, Anita Patel, Patrick Williams, Dayna Nicholson, Kathleen Hogan, Elizabeth Rubinstein, Daisy Ramirez, Naddin Sadik, and Michelle T. Jesse
Systolic blood pressure and outcomes in patients on continuous flow LVAD support: An INTERMACS analysis, Jennifer A Cowger, Themistokles Chamogeorgakis, J Borgi, Gillian Grafton, Yelena Selektor, Hassan Nemeh, Celeste Williams, Cristina Tita, and David Lanfear
Neoadjuvant phase II trial of chemo-radiotherapy (CRT) in patients with resectable (R) and borderline resectable (BR) pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA)., V Damarla, Irina Dobrosotskaya, Farzan Siddiqui, Ira Wollner, Mohammad Raoufi, Jia Li, David Kwon, and Gazala Khan
Superficial femoral artery balloon angioplasty stent implantation-outcome stratified by type of follow-up evaluation: Arterial duplex imaging versus ankle-brachial index only, M S. Draxler, Ziad Al Adas, Daniyal Abbas, Yasaman Kavousi, Judith C Lin, Loay S. Kabbani, Alexander D. Shepard, and Timothy Nypaver
The ratio of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide to high sensitivity cardiac troponin to distinguish type 1 from type 2 acute myocardial infarction, Joseph J Gibbs, James McCord, Michael Hudson, Michele Moyer, Gordon Jacobsen, R Trupp, and Richard M. Nowak
Rates of anticoagulation following transcatheter aortic valve replacement in patients with atrial fibrillation, Sarah Gorgis, Elsheikh Abdelrahim, Dee Dee Wang, Janet F. Wyman, Gaetano Paone, A Greenbaum, B Kendall, William O'Neill, and W Eng
Comparison of outcome in liver transplant patients who underwent intraoperative CVVH in elective and unplanned settings, J Gosnell, Mohamed Safwan, Kelly Collins, Michael Rizzari, Atsushi Yoshida, Marwan Abouljoud, and Shunji Nagai
Comparison of outcome in liver transplant patients with renal insufficiency and intraoperative CVVH, J Gosnell, Mohamed Safwan, Kelly Collins, Michael Rizzari, Atsushi Yoshida, Marwan Abouljoud, and Shunji Nagai
Factors impacting return to employment after liver transplantation, M Hassan, Marwan Abouljoud, Naddin Sadik, A Mazur, A Elbanna, Atsushi Yoshida, and Michelle T. Jesse
Generation of chemoresistant PDXs in the era of modern neoadjuvant therapy, M Hernandez, L Yang, J Leiting, J Bergquist, Tommy Ivanics, and M Truty
Frequency of sentinel lymph node (SLN) metastases in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) versus non-TNBC, Tommy Ivanics, Lindsay Petersen, S David Nathanson, Melissa B. Davis, Laura Susick, Anna Lehrberg, Ilya Rakitin, Jessica Bensenhaver, Erica Proctor, and Lisa A. Newman
Androgen receptor and ALDH1 expression among internationally diverse patient populations, E M. Jiagge, A Jibri, Jessica Bensenhaver, M Wicha, B Awuah, S Merajver, and Lisa A. Newman
Multi-disciplinary clinic discussion associated with decreased performance of breast MRI and increased eligibility for breast conservation, Pridvi Kandagatla, Samfee Doe, Shariska S Petersen, Myah Bell, Lisa A. Newman, Monique Swain, and Lindsay Petersen
Intravascular volume assessment by sonography (VAS) score, Keith Killu, M Al-Jubouri, Mohanad Baldawi, Jenna Watson, Darlene Dereczyk, Greta Wenk, Victor Coba, and Dionne J. Blyden
Sacral area complete sonographic assessment to identify pressure ulcers: SACS study, Keith Killu, Jenna Watson, M Al-Jubouri, Mohanad Baldawi, Victor Coba, Darlene Dereczyk, Greta Wenk, and Dionne J. Blyden
Side effect profile of everolimus in liver transplant patients, Fitsum Kumssa, Omar Sadiq, Maryam Alimirah, Randeep Kaur, A Patel, and Syed-Mohammed Jafri
Pathologic response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and chemoradiation in borderline resectable adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, Joon K Lee, Ahmed I. Ghanem, Charlotte Burmeister, Hayan Jaratli, Mohammad Raoufi, Gazala Khan, Irina Dobrosotskaya, David Kwon, and Farzan Siddiqui
Outcome of African American (AA) compared to white American (WA) patients with early-stage breast cancer, stratified by phenotype, Anna Lehrberg, S David Nathanson, Fadi Baidoun, Lindsay Petersen, Laura Susick, Melissa B. Davis, Tommy Ivanics, Ilya Rakitin, Jessica Bensenhaver, Erica Proctor, and Lisa A. Newman
Correlation of age with patient reported symptoms and venous clinical severity score for patients with varicose veins, Shravan Leonard-Murali, D McLaughlin, Loay S. Kabbani, Mitchell R Weaver, Nicole Kennedy, Syed Ahsan, and Judith C Lin
Potential barriers to renal patient care: Perspectives of dialysis and transplant social workers, D Lim, Anita Patel, Nadeen J. Khoury, and Rohini Prashar
Recovery of bowel function after liver transplant surgery, Adhnan Mohamed, M Safwan, Francis Tinney Jr., Kelly Collins, Michael Rizzari, Atsushi Yoshida, Marwan Abouljoud, and Shunji Nagai
C4D staining and graft survival in renal transplant recipients, Naushaba Mohiuddin, S Agarwal, Anita Patel, and Rohini Prashar
The impact of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis on patient outcomes after liver transplantation using the scientific registry of transplant recipient (SRTR) database, D Moonka, George Divine, and Shunji Nagai
Survival benefit of liver transplantation in the MELD-Na era, Shunji Nagai, Lucy Chau, M Safwan, R Schilke, Michael Rizzari, Kelly Collins, Atsushi Yoshida, Marwan Abouljoud, and D Moonka
MELD-Na score based liver allocation: Hyponatremia is no longer a risk factor for waitlist mortality, Shunji Nagai, Lucy Chau, M Safwan, R Schilke, Michael Rizzari, Kelly Collins, Atsushi Yoshida, Marwan Abouljoud, and Dilip Moonka
Comparison of induction and maintenance immunosuppression regimens in intestinal and multivisceral transplantation: an analysis of the UNOS registry, Shunji Nagai, Michael Rizzari, Yakir Muszkat, Kelly Collins, Atsushi Yoshida, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, and Marwan Abouljoud
Hidden risk of liver transplantation for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: A propensity score matched study, Shunji Nagai, R Schilke, M Safwan, Michael Rizzari, Kelly Collins, Atsushi Yoshida, Marwan Abouljoud, and Dilip Moonka
Delayed early lactate clearance after liver transplantation: A propensity score matching study, Shunji Nagai, K Takahashi, M Safwan, Marwan Abouljoud, and Syed-Mohammed Jafri
Robotic assisted live donor kidney transplantation - Technique and outcomes, H Pahari, B Waldman, Joel Stracke, Lauren Malinzak, Jason E. Denny, Dean Kim, Wooju Jeong, Mani Menon, and Atsushi Yoshida
A comparison of robotic and open living donor kidney transplantation -The minimally invasive option and its outcomes, H Pahari, B Waldman, Joel Stracke, Lauren Malinzak, Jason E. Denny, Dean Kim, Wooju Jeong, and Atsushi Yoshida
Implementation of outpatient telemedicine program in vascular surgery reduces patients' travel time, cost, and environmental pollutant emissions, S Paquette and Judith C Lin
Transplant outcomes in female African American recipients, Anita Patel, Rohini Prashar, and D Lim
Impact of national comprehensive cancer network (NCCN) genetic testing guidelines on genetic counseling referral patterns for triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) patients, Ilya Rakitin, M Quigg, Mary Nyhuis, Lindsay Petersen, S David Nathanson, Melissa B. Davis, Laura Susick, Erica Proctor, Jessica Bensenhaver, and Lisa A. Newman
Post reperfusion portal flow rate impacts liver allograft and patient survival in patients with pre transplant portal vein thrombosis, Michael Rizzari, M Safwan, Michael Sobolic, Shunji Nagai, R Schilke, Kelly Collins, Atsushi Yoshida, and Marwan Abouljoud
Gracilis muscle flap for exposed prosthetic graft in the groin of a patient with previous sartorius myoplasty, Kaitlyn M Rountree, J W. Maendel, Vidyavathi Reddy, and Sachinder S. Han